Lateral Plains Events – Origins

As a part of the suite of technical services offered by Lateral Plains Pty Ltd, it has been providing event and examination services, including technical and invigilation support to our clients for a range of computer-based exam events in Australia and New Zealand and had built a significant reputation and expertise in the field.

Lateral Plains Events Pty Ltd evolved from its parent company Lateral Plains Pty Ltd, which has had a 20 year history of providing ICT, Internet and technology based services in regional and rural Australia. Lateral Plains  remains one of the leading ICT providers in Regional Victoria. 

Given the specialised nature of Exam services and Event IT, Lateral Plains Events was set up with a specific purpose and objective providing these services whilst being able  to draw off the broader technical expertise and resources of Lateral Plains.

Project Management

Lateral Plains' priority is to ensure that  event delivery for a client is made as seamless as possible. The dedicated team at Lateral Plains Events works directly with clients & partners delivery teams and the exam sponsor in the lead up to and execution of each exam window 

This includes: 
    • Expert on-call support for technical services and hardware provisioning.
    • Cabling and backup power needs for each venue we support.
    • Staffing requirements for each Event (invigilators and technicians). 
    • Staff training for the events we participate in to ensure staff are well prepared and confident in their fields.
    • Collation of exam documentation and supplies for the events we support.
    • Venue procurement and/or planning assistance and support if required by our client.
    • IT Hardware Rentals.


Lateral Plains Events supports its clients’  requirements in each Event, drawing on our existing pool of invigilators across the country. We currently have an available workforce in excess of 1000 people across Australia and New Zealand who provide invigilation for computer and paper-based exams. These invigilators have bases in all areas that we provide services currently and can cover many more events, especially across regional Australia.

Given the company’s history and expertise in working in particularly in regional and rural environments, we are able to bring together affordable and practical solutions for our clients. The key factor in this success is the depth and geographical diversity of the talent pool that we have been able to build up over a significant period of time.

 All staff are thoroughly vetted and undergo police checks to ensure they meet rigorous  standards of professionalism and maturity. Given both the human and technical resources we have built up over time, this has enabled us to meet and exceed even the tightest delivery times across the country.

Who we have served

Lateral Plains is  proud of the services we have provided to many companies across the Event IT & Examinations space. We have had the
pleasure of being the exclusive partner for Pearson VUE delivering exams to many of their clients for the past five years.

Some of the Events/Testing/Examinations we have facilitated include:

  • Apple INC - Certifications
  • Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM)
  • CPA Australia
  • Deakin University - Paper Based Exams
  • Federation University - Paper Based Examinations
  • Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANNITE)
  • NSW Bar Associations - Bar Exam
  • PTE Academic: Pearson English Language Test
  • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)
  • Swinbourne University - Paper Based Examinations
  • The Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA)
  • The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)
  • The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
  • The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT ANZ)
  • The Australian Dental Council (ADC)
  • Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT)
  • University of New England - Paper Based Examinations
  • Victorian Bar Association - Bar Exam

Event IT Projects

These have included large scale projects such as the  New South Wales Electoral Commission's temporary IT rollout. We assisted in the supply of ICT devices, Lateral Plains team delivered, installed, networked and provided onsite technical support for over 16,000 devices for 2019 State election across all 93 electoral districts and the 2 count centres. 

We also assisted in the same for the Victorian Electoral Commission's  Local Council Elections 2020.

Event Coverage and Geographical Footprint

Lateral Plains Events currently provides services throughout Australia and New Zealand. We have two permanent test centres, one in regional Victoria and another in Sydney. We service regional an overseas locations,  by creating, maintaining, staffing, and running pop-up testing sites. We are currently expanding our geographic footprint into South East Asia.

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